'David, the following script adds a title Object Text In the active Output navigator, 'containing All visible table's title. 'HTH 'Fabrizio Sub Main Dim objOutDoc As ISpssOutputDoc, objItems As ISpssItems, objPivot As PivotTable Dim Txt As String, ItemIndex As Long 'Continue the program only if there is at least one output document. If objSpssApp.Documents.OutputDocCount > 0 Then 'Get the currently designated output document items collection. Set objOutDoc = objSpssApp.GetDesignatedOutputDoc Set objItems = objOutDoc.Items Else MsgBox "No Navigator window exists" Exit Sub End If Txt="" For ItemIndex=0 To objItems.Count-1 With objItems.GetItem(ItemIndex) If .SPSSType=SPSSPivot And .Visible Then Set objPivot=.ActivateTable Txt=Txt+objPivot.TitleText+vbCr+vbCr .Deactivate End If End With Next ItemIndex ObjOutDoc.InsertTitle "Tables title", Txt End Sub