* This macro is useful when you have to change the format from * string to string (ss) * numeric to string (ns) or * string to numeric (sn). * while retaining the original variable name. * rlevesque@videotron.ca 2001/05/23. */////////////////////. DEFINE !convert (vname=!TOKENS(1) /nformat=!TOKENS(1) /type=!TOKENS(1)) /* where vname= the name of the variable to change format */ /* nformat = the new format */ /* type of change ss (string to string) ns or sn where n=numeric and s=string */ !IF (!type='ss') !THEN STRING temp1234(!nformat). COMPUTE temp1234=!vname. !IFEND !IF (!type='ns') !THEN STRING temp1234(!nformat). COMPUTE temp1234=LTRIM(STRING(!vname,F18.0)). !IFEND !IF (!type='sn') !THEN COMPUTE temp1234=NUMBER(!vname,F18.0). FORMAT temp1234(!nformat). !IFEND MATCH FILES FILE=* /DROP=!vname. RENAME VARIABLE (temp1234=!vname). !ENDDEFINE. */////////////////////. * EXAMPLE of how the macro is used. DATA LIST LIST /var1(A8), var2(A8), var3(F8.0). BEGIN DATA abcdefg 254 235 adadad 128 265 END DATA. LIST. !convert vname=var1 nformat=A5 type=ss. *The above command converts variable var1 form an A8 to an A5 string. !convert vname=var2 nformat=F8.2 type=sn. *The above command converts variable var2 form an A8 to an F8.2 number. * (Of course if contains an invalid number, the resulting numeric variable will be missing. !convert vname=var3 nformat=A8 type=ns. *The above command converts numeric var3 form an F8.2 to an A8 string.