* Encoding: UTF-8. * Goal is to process all Excel files in a folder: read them one by one, and join data to a single SPSS .sav file. * Files are poor organized: data started in range different from A1:, have different number of rows in different files. * Some columns are empty. I know that my quantitative data is contained in first and third columns. * But as there are some text comments in the first rows, I prefer to read data first into string, and then convert to numbers. * Anton Balabanov, 20.09.2015. SET MPRINT=YES. DATASET CLOSE ALL. OUTPUT CLOSE ALL. * First, create 1-row dataset which will acquire data from every file in turn. DATA LIST LIST /V1(A500) V3(A500). BEGIN DATA. "Just to have large enough variable which will accept data from Excel files" "Another variable" END DATA. DATASET NAME MergedData. BEGIN PROGRAM. import os from spss import Submit folder = os.path.join('D:\\', '$cons', u'Тест', 'MS_data') Submit (r"CD '%s'." % folder) for file in os.listdir(folder): filename, fileext = os.path.splitext(file) if fileext == '.xls': Submit ( r""" GET DATA /TYPE=XLS /FILE="%s" /SHEET=index 1 /READNAMES=OFF. STRING source (A50). * This is to keep track from which file data came. COMPUTE source = "%s". EXECUTE. * This is to make merging possible, as I don't know in advance how wide string will be in a file. ALTER TYPE V1 V3 (A500). * These manipulations is to organize merging data into single dataset in a loop. DATASET NAME NewData. DATASET ACTIVATE MergedData. ADD FILES FILE=* FILE=NewData. EXECUTE. DATASET CLOSE NewData. """ % (file, filename)) END PROGRAM. * Some postprocessing: convert to number and get rid from unnecessary variables. COMPUTE mz = Number(V1, F10). COMPUTE intens = Number(V3, F10). SELECT IF ~Mis(mz). EXECUTE. ADD FILES FILE=* /KEEP mz intens source. * Done! Save it. SAVE OUTFILE="MassData.sav".